Due to the ravaging drought in the entire country ,the environmental degradation has been adverse. The above issue has furthermore led to the loss of vegetation cover in the area under our scope. Our organisation (GHDO) has come up with measures to curb the above menace. We provided the community with seedlings such as neem tree ,acacia ,moringa,.
We sensitised the community on the benefits of replenishing the tree cover to the environment.benefits such as trees acting as wind breakers,reducing the effec of soil erosion and also as rain attraction. Again,we provided energy saving jikos that has enabled the community to avoid using charcoal.we provided them with pellets from animal remains in the place of charcoal and firewood.
We have carried out training for the community on the use of the jikos so that they stay durable.
Other training included community awareness on the impact of environmental conservation .our organisation (GHDO) held Several trainings in Madogashe constituency Especially Afweyne ward, Maalimin Ward and Madogashe Ward
Still no donations
Great Hope Development Organization